Information questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

Yes, you will receive same item(s) what you paid for. sometime slight colour variation will find due to high picture quality taken by camera.

Where can I view my sales receipt?

under my account all personal information, history and Tax invoices listed there. you can download or print your invoices.

How can I return an item?

Most items come with 1 year menufecture gurantee and warranty, if you find any faulty item you can ship items to shop address listed in contact us page. our techniocal staff will review it if found faluty will exchange it or refund in full.

Will you restock items indicated as ā€œout of stock?ā€

We try our best to refill the stock items which are out of stock, but some time that item is no longer available due to upgarde version. so you can find newer version or replacement version.

Information about us